Hér má nálgast námskeiðslýsingar allra námskeiðanna sem í boði eru. Einnig má sjá skipulag námsins í sameiginlegri kennsluáætlun Sjávarbyggðafræði og Haf- og strandsvæðastjórnunar.

Námskeiðin uppfylla kröfur ýmissa stéttarfélaga um námsstyrki. Vor- og sumarannir eru tilvaldar fyrir háskólanemendur sem vilja stytta námstímann í reglubundnu námi.

Fyrirspurnir sendist á kennslustjóra Háskólaseturs.

Planning for climate change in coastal regions: adaptation and mitigation

  • Spring 2025
  • Næsta námskeið: 31. mars - 16. apríl 2025
  • CMM/CRD Elective Course | 6 ECTS
  • Námskeið:CMM5706

Um námskeiðið

This course reviews major projected impacts of climate change in coastal areas under the different UNFCCC scenarios. It then introduces students to strategies and tools that societies can and do use to adapt to future conditions and build climate-resilient communities: for example, through community-based adaptation measures, capacity-building, hard and soft protection responses, and economic incentives. The course also discusses the scientific bases and the societal context of different current and proposed strategies to mitigate climate change, such as blue carbon approaches, geoengineering, and carbon sequestration and storage technologies. It highlights current best practices and encourages students to consider issues of resilience, justice, and intra and intergenerational equity as they assess options to confront anthropogenic climate change.



On completion of the course, a student can:

  • explain the expected impacts to coastal regions under different future climate scenarios.
  • discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different adaptation strategies in creating a more climate resilient society.
  • critique the effectiveness and sustainability of various mitigation strategies.
  • discuss the role of risks, vulnerability, equity, and justice in developing regional strategies to deal with climate change.
  • critically evaluate local and regional climate adaptation plans.


Prerequisites: No prerequisites registered for the course

Assessment: 30% group project; 60% written and practical assignments; 10% participation

Final Exam: Assignment